poseidon-hs- A package with tools for working with Poseidon genotype data
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data PoseidonException Source #

A Poseidon Exception data type with several concrete constructors


PoseidonYamlParseException FilePath ParseException

An exception to represent YAML parsing errors

PoseidonPackageException String

An exception to represent a logical error in a package

PoseidonPackageVersionException FilePath String

An exception to represent an issue with a package version

PoseidonPackageMissingVersionException FilePath

An exception to indicate a missing poseidonVersion field

PoseidonIndSearchException String

An exception to represent an error when searching for individuals or populations

PoseidonGenotypeException String

An exception to represent errors in the genotype data

PoseidonGenotypeExceptionForward ErrorLength SomeException

An exception to represent errors in the genotype data forwarded from the sequence-formats library

PoseidonHttpExceptionForward HttpException

An exception to represent errors in the remote data loading forwarded from simpleHttp

PoseidonFileRowException FilePath String String

An exception to represent errors when trying to parse the janno or seqSource file

PoseidonFileConsistencyException FilePath String

An exception to represent consistency errors in janno or seqSource files

PoseidonCrossFileConsistencyException String String

An exception to represent inconsistencies across multiple files in a package

PoseidonCollectionException String

An exception to represent logical issues in a poseidon package Collection

PoseidonFileExistenceException FilePath

An exception to represent missing files

PoseidonFileChecksumException FilePath

An exception to represent failed checksum tests

PoseidonFStatsFormatException String

An exception type to represent FStat specification errors

PoseidonBibTeXException FilePath String

An exception to represent errors when trying to parse the .bib file

PoseidonPoseidonEntityParsingException ParseError

An exception to indicate failed entity parsing

PoseidonForgeEntitiesException String

An exception to indicate issues in the forge selection


An exception to throw if there is nothing to be forged

PoseidonNewPackageConstructionException String

An exception to indicate an issue in newPackageTemplate

PoseidonRemoteJSONParsingException String

An exception to indicate failed remote info JSON parsing

PoseidonGenericException String

A catch-all for any other type of exception


An exception to throw if the output package lacks a name

PoseidonUnequalBaseDirException FilePath FilePath FilePath

An exception to throw if genotype data files don't share a common base directory

PoseidonServerCommunicationException String

An exception to mark server communication errors

PoseidonUnzipException SomeException

An exception for unzipping issues in fetch

PoseidonChronicleException String

An exception for issues in chronicle

PoseidonGitException FilePath String

An exception for issues with git


An exception for issues with --preservePyml

data LogMode Source #


Instances details
Show LogMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Poseidon.Utils

type LogA = LogAction IO Message Source #

logWithEnv :: MonadIO m => LogA -> PoseidonIO () -> m () Source #

data TestMode Source #




Instances details
Show TestMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Poseidon.Utils

uniquePO :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] Source #

uniqueRO :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] Source #

data ErrorLength Source #

A data type for error length settings


CharCount Int 


Instances details
Show ErrorLength Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Poseidon.Utils